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BEAUTIFUL SAVAGE magazine fashion story, inspired by david bowie

BEAUTIFUL SAVAGE magazine fashion story, inspired by david bowie

You know you had a great day at the studio when you end up with enough great & diverse photos to make up at least two distinct fashion stories — that's what happens when you work with a model as gifted as Hannah Vandermolen, and a team to match her talents.

Two editorials, you say? It's true — this take on the story is out now, and we've put together a completely different 12-page spread for the upcoming print issue of Beautiful Savage as well.

Last but not least, David Bowie's Love Is Lost was the hidden inspiration for this story — put it on & enjoy.

Photographer: Nikola Tamindzic
Model: Hannah Vandermolen @ Trump Models

Art Director: Lexie Coon
Stylist: Valissa Yoe
Make-up: Kavita Kaul
Hair stylist: Niko Weddle
Fashion assistants: Mia Darrow Tarley & Aarron Ricks
Photo assistant: Monicka Patterson

Retouching: Eye Candy Studio

LIAR magazine cover & fashion story

LIAR magazine cover & fashion story

The brand new second issue of LIAR magazine just came out yesterday — I had the pleasure of shooting rising fashion star Tina Veshaguri for the cover of the new issue, as well as the 12-page fashion editorial inside.

Track this issue down — I'm predicting it's going to be a collectible; I'm naturally very proud of my piece, but the rest of the articles and editorials in the magazine are excellent, and absolutely worth your time & attention.

The cover & the full fashion editorial:

“A WORLD OF MY OWN” fashion story in premiere issue of LIAR magazine

“A WORLD OF MY OWN” fashion story in premiere issue of LIAR magazine

About nine months ago, creative director and founder of LIAR magazine, Christine Be, approached me to make a fashion editorial inspired by my ongoing Fucking New York project. We had a blast doing this shoot on the streets of New York City, and after the kind of delays ambitious magazines often face with their first issues, I'm finally able to share the full editorial with you. You can buy the premiere issue of LIAR at newsstands in NYC, and you can also buy it directly from their website.

Styling: Ray Oliveira
Makeup & hair: Sylvia Dimaki
Model: Clara Settje at Trump Models



First of all, can I tell you how fantastic, fun, glamourous and bullshit-free supermodel Abby Brothers is? Whatever you dreamt up as a photographer, she’ll simply take it and make it ten times better.

So! Today is the official launch of print edition of LA’s fantastic Live FAST magazine. There’s a photo spread I did with Abby in the print issue, but me & my team thought we’d go one better, so we put together a fashion film as a surprise gift for founder and creative director of Live FAST, Vivianne Lapointe. Have a look at the uncensored version above, and if for some reason you'd prefer a safe-for-work version, YouTube will take care of you.

Superstar supermodel: Abby Brothers. Editing: Vuk Mitrovic. Cinematography: David Fitt. Stylist: Lindsay Nizolek. Makeup: Alexa Gould.

“FUCKING NEW YORK” fashion story for BEAUTIFUL SAVAGE magazine

“FUCKING NEW YORK” fashion story for BEAUTIFUL SAVAGE magazine

Sometime last year, Chad Saville — the founder & editor-in-chief of Beautiful Savage magazine — approached me with the idea of turning my ongoing Fucking New York art series into a fashion editorial. Chad already had some great things to say about my work in the past, and Beautiful Savage is one of the best art/fashion magazines out there at the moment, so saying no to Chad's offer was never an option.

For those of you still interested in seeing the story in print, you'll find it in the current issue of Beautiful Savage, available at better newsstands in your city, or directly from the magazine.

My excellent team: model India Charmain, fashion stylist Rowshana Jackson, makeup artist Logan Slaughter, assistant Maureen Pitz, and retouching by Eye Candy Studio.


Unretouched previews from a fashion shoot with Marina, styled by Elena Nikolaevna.


Fashion advertising campaign I did in October for Tamara Jaric's new Fall/Winter 2015 collection called Structure, featuring Women Management's Jelena Jankovic. Post-production by Eye Candy.